Friday, February 3, 2012

2-2-12 - 10 of 10

This was my third WOD in a row and was really pumped for it. Here is the WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
10 rounds:
10 thrusters (65/45)
10 clap pushups
*sub hand release pushups*

In my mind I was going to try and do this WOD RX but after trying it with 55lbs just to warm up, I realized that there was NO way I could do all 10 rounds with the RX weight. I ended up using only the bar (45lbs) and my time was 19:10, my wife's time was 13:48 and she used a 35lbs bar. Also, I went for the hand release pushups instead of the clap pushups only because you couldn't switch in the middle of the work out and I knew it was going to be hard as hell to do all 100 pushups that way.

This was a really intense WOD and had to push myself a couple of times to make sure I finished. At the end I was really pumped and happy that I did the entire WOD and did not bow down.

As a side note, Chris told me that from now on he is going to start calling me "Don Omar" LOL

2-1-12 - 500m Row

For some reason I thought this was going to be a "fun & easy" WOD, BOY WAS I WRONG!!!

This was a really Hard and Intense WOD to say the least:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
4 rounds:
500m row
rest as needed between efforts
*all rows to be done at 100% max effort*

My times were the following:
1:41, 1:49, 1:56, 1:52

I think I was pretty consistent and kept a good pace. Considering that the first time I tried rowing a 500m it took me over 2 minutes I am really proud of my progress.

Chris did beat me up a little and even told me that if I could speak after any of the rounds he was going to make me repeat that round. Needles to say I gave it my 150% and made sure I couldn't speak after each round. Also, you will notice that my last round was better than the one before and that was due to Chris telling me to try and beat my 1:56 time (I was able to).

1-31-12 DeadLift & Burpee Pull-Ups

After a long rest period and a very stressful 5 days of work I finally made it back into the BOX and I was greeted with this lovely WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Burpee Pullups

I weight for the DL was 225lbs and I was able to get 36 Burpee Pull-ups in 5 minutes. I am still not able to do the Pull-up from a dead hang position so I modified the pull-up by using two disks and slightly jumping to help me with the Pull-up.

I was really proud of this WOD and felt GREAT to be back in the groove of things. I never thought I would say this but I REALLY MISSED going to the gym. Whenever I don't go my body/mind don't know how to shut off and I end up going to bed at 12 or 1 in the morning and feel really tired the following day.

We are really getting the hang of this and I am starting to see some of the results from our hard work. More on that on some later days.

1-25-12 - OMEM Pull Ups & KB Swings

This WOD was a medium effort WOD. We decided to go early in the morning for this WOD so my energy levels were not the greatest plus I was extremely tired from the Lunges from the night before so I went half strength.

CrossFit Westchester WOD:

OMEM 10 minutes
10 pullups
Rest 3 minutes
OMEM 10 minutes
15 KB swings (53/35)

There was no time limit or count, just GOO!! We had a good time with this WOD and right afterwards I had to head to work and get ready for our office move.

1-24-12 - Weighted Lunges & Situps

Talk about a CRAZY HARD WOD - This is one for the books:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Back Squat

Overhead Weighted Lunges (25/15)
Weighted Situps *Plate Locked Out Overhead* (25/15)

*Lunges are per leg. Example, the round of 20 is 40 total, 20 per leg*

We started with the Back Squat as "WarmUp" and I really like BSQ and went for my PR and failed!

After the warmup we dove into the WOD. Overhead WEIGHTED lunges and Weighted situps. NOW, I don't know if it its me or if I am doing them wrong but I HATE THEM (I think I complaint too much - What do you guys think?).

I was able to finish in 19:07 minutes and the wife in 13:07. I barely made it under the 20 minute Cap. This was a really good WOD but it left me hurting for about 4 days straight. I could barely walk and get off my bed every morning. But this is the price we pay!!

1-20-12 - Turkish Getups

This WOD was very interesting because I had never done any TGU. The excercise is very "awkward" but I can definetely see why it would be used in a WOD. Here is the WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
4 rounds:
5 TGU (R)
15 burpees
5 TGU (L)
15 burpees
TGU = Turkish Getups

We did the TGU's with 10lbs weights which made it 10 times more difficult. On top of that, I had never done TGU's so you can imagine how tough it was for me. I don't remember my time but I do remember I was the last one to finish.

This was a really good WOD and really liked the group bonding that night.

1-19-12 - Toes to Bar

It has been a while since I last posted my progress. It is difficult working crazy hours and trying to stay fit but we always manage to get our WOD on.

The WOD for 1-19-12 Was:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Deadlift (185/115)
Toes to Bar
*Sub 2x jackknives*

This was a really tough WOD for me. I decided to go with the Toes to Bar and that is what killed my time. I believe there was a time cap of either 15 or 20 minutes. I was not able to finish the whole WOD and I remember that night I felt REALLY disapointed for not finish but then again the wife and I were the only ones that tried doing the Toes To Bar, everyone else went for the sub.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1-17-12 - KB Swings & Box Jumps

This WOD was a really deceiving one. In paper, it looks "easy" or "Simple" but it really wasn't:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
25 KB Swings (53/35)
25 Box Jumps (24/20)

I enjoy KB swings and I believe I have a pretty form and same thing for the Box jumps, I like them I think they are fun, however, when you are doing AMRAP for 15 minutes it gets to a point where you start HATING them LOL.

I did not do the RX weight (mostly because I just don't think I can do AMRAP with that weight) but I did try using the 24" box. I was able to do my first set at that height but I decided to switch to a 20" for safety reasons.  Every time I landed on the 24" I felt like I was gong to fall and bust my ass.

The wife has some knee problems so really can't jump the 20", instead she went with 4 45lbs plates and stacked them together. Oddly enough she was able to use the same KB weight I was using which was 28lbs I believe.

Our times were 4 sets plus 10 for me and 4 sets plus 20 for her. I have to tell you that this WOD was a really tough one and it made us REALLY break a sweat. These are the types of WOD's that really motivate me and keep me interested in CF.

My shoulders are killing me today but at least I was able to get a good night sleep. Resting and eating well is definetely a crucial component to CF, without both you are really not going to see any results and pretty much you are just going to waste your time.

Yesterday I was reading the CF boards and someone had used this quote:

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

I think that pretty much sums up my last few years in attempting to loose weight and stay "Healthy"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1-16-12 - Overhead Squat

After a good weekend rest we started our week with a good WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
A1. Overhead Squat 10 reps (As heavy as possible)
A2. Max Pullups rest 4 minutes x 3
B. Max Overhead Squats (95/65) 4 minutes
5 broad jumps every time you drop the bar

I think that out of all the Oly moves, OHS is the one I like the least. My wrist really hurt and my form for some reason is pretty bad. I tried focusing on my form and trying to keep my weight on my heels instead of the toes. I think my problem is that I forget to push my hips back before I squat.

Part A1 was pretty good and I was able to handle 75lbs although I failed the last rep on my first two sets. Part A2 I was really surprised because I decided to use the green band with purple and had some pretty good results. The first set I did 20 Pull-ups, second 15 and third 12.
For Part B I decided to go down in weight and ended up doing 20 reps @ 65lbs.

Overall I was really happy with the WOD and even after class we stayed for a few and I worked on my pull-ups and used the green band by itself. I also did some burpees since I know that is my WORST skill.

We are both really focused and want to get some great results for this second month. Stay tuned!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

1-13-12 - Back Squat & Nutritional Update

Yesterday's WOD was one of the first WOD's where I really had allot of fun. Definitely the members in the box make a big difference in my mood every night.

Last night I really felt like I was a part of the Box and finally feel "at home". This is the WOD from last night:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Back Squats (155/105)
Handstand Pushups

*Sub for handstand pushup = 2x the number of hand release pushups*

A suprising 5 minutes of HELL!!!!

The WOD was a good combination of excercises that look simple individually but when put together are a real killer. the one twist that was thrown in the WOD was that you had to clean the weight and then set for the back squat, because of this I was not able to do RX but ended up using 95lbs.

Also, I have never tried a Handstand in my life, so adding a pushup was definitely not going to work. Both the wife and I opted for the hand release pushups.

After the WOD we were faced with 5 minutes of HELLLLL!! We basically had to keep our feet off the ground for a period of 5 minutes and IF our feet would touch the ground we would have to start all over again. Guess who's feet touched the ground first?? YESS, ME!! DAMNNN!!! Luckily everyone was OK about it and didn't give me a hard time.

Today we also had our updated Nutritional appointment. The wife and I are doing excellent. I have lost over 8 pounds and 3% body fat in the last 5 weeks. I also gained over 1% muscle overall. The wife lost 2 pounds and 1% body fat, however she lost some muscle.

Doctor Silverman made some small modifications to our diet so we will have to wait and see how we do next month. We are really excited with how we are doing and CAN'T wait to see our progress in a couple of months!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

1-12-12 - Killer Shoulders

So last night's workout was what I would consider a "Shoulder Killer" WOD.

Here is the WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Shoulder Press
3-3-3-3 @ 85% of 1RM

12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
12 Burpees

Last week we had our "benchmark" week and one of the things we worked on was Shoulder Press. My RM for SP was 125 so 85% of that is 106.25lbs.

I was partnered with someone who was not able to lift as much (I was really surprised because he is pretty fit and has been doing CF for a while) so we were taking turns setting the weight for each set.

After we were done with SP's we moved into the AMRAP. This part of the WOD was the killer one. I feel pretty confident with the WBS but the Burpees still kill me!!!! I was able to do 3 full sets but what really slowed me down were my burpees. I have to continue working on my burpee's. I do have to say that I am doing them MUCH better and actually lasting longer before I have to stop.

On a side note, after tonight's WOD we will officially have finished our first month of CF. We are definitely sticking with it!

Until tomorrow, Have a good one!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1-10-12 - "Angie" and More

Once again I have failed to update the blog daily but it is really hard to get some free time from work and CrossFit but I will try my best.


CrossFit Westchester WOD:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

OC - 28:35 ( I used the black band for Pull-Ups and modified roughly about 40 push-ups)
Wife - 28:00 (She used the green and purple band for the Pull-Ups and did all 100 push-ups modified)

I can tell you that I was really not looking forward to "Angie". I knew that pullups and pushups were not my strong elements but still decided to go and try it out. I was surprisingly happy with the results and feel that next time I will do better. I can feel the strength in my upper body growing and that is definitely a plus.

I am sore and tired this morning but at the end of the day I know that this is all worth it. BTW, I have my follow up appointment with the Doc this Saturday. I know for a fact I have lost some weight but what I really want to see is how my body fat % is going. Stay tuned!!

 Here are the results for the previous 4 WOD's I have not posted:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Oly Test:
Find 1RM Clean
Find 1RM Snatch
*You can catch the clean or snatch in any position you’d like*

OC - 125lb Clean & 95lb Snatch
Wife - 75lb Clean & 60lb Snatch

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Gymnastics Test:
Max Pullups – 3 attemps rest as needed between sets
Max Situps 1 minute rest 2 minutes repeat
Max Pushups 3 minutes

OC - Can't remember (will have to update when I get home and look at our log book)
Wife - Can't remember (will have to update when I get home and look at our log book)


CrossFit Westchester WOD:
A1. 3 Front Squats (Heavy)
A2. 20 unbroken KB Swings rest 3 minutes x 5
B. 4 minutes max Front Squats (95/65) – 6 burpees EMOM

OC - A1 Heavy - 175lb & B 17 RX
Wife - A1 Heavy - 95lb & B 26 RX

I was extremely proud of both my wife and myself for doing the RX on this WOD. What made it more difficult was that part B we needed to clean the bar from the ground and THEN to the front squads.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1-4-12 - Speed Test

So I am thinking about changing the way I title my Blogs. I am going to try and keep up with the following format: ((Date of WOD - Type of WOD or overall activity performed during the WOD).

Yesterday's WOD was the following:

Speed Test:
Run 1 mile
Rest 5 minutes
Row 1000m
Rest 5 minutes
Run 500m

Now, I have never been a runner. Even prior to joining CrossFit I always SUCKED at running. Every time I tried jumping on a treadmill my legs would hurt, my shins would hurt and I would just stop after 10 minutes. So you can imagine what went through my head when I saw the WOD. On TOP of that, the weather report called for temperatures in the high 10's or low 20's (F). I really thought about not going to class but decided to get myself pumped and started watching the highlights from the 2011 Games and ended up going.

Here are our times:

Omar - 
8:50 Run 1 mile
3:54 Row 1000m
2:25 Run 500m

Wife - 
8:50 Run 1 mile
4:29 Row 1000m
2:32 Run 500m

You will notice that my wife's times and mine are very close to each other, actually the same on the 1 mile run and that is because she HATES the cold and was having a real hard time running last night. So I decided to stay with her and cheer her on and push her when she couldn't handle it anymore.

I am really proud of my times and can tell with certainty that if I would have tried doing that a month ago I wouldn't have been able to finish. I am glad Chris has pushed me and I am glad we joined CrossFit Westchester. Until tomorrow, have a good night!! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 - A new Beginning

Let me start off by saying Happy New Year!!! 2011 was full of new and exciting things but I know for sure that 2012 is going to be even a better year.

As I have said before, we are glad we made the decision to join the CrossFit community but more specifically CrossFit Westchester We have met an excellent group of people who are willing to support you and help you achieve your goals. All of the trainers are excellent and really know what they are doing. They are dedicated, strong and willing to teach you and make sure that you reach your full potential.

With that being said, this week @ Crossfit Westchester we are being put through a series of "tests" to helps us learn where we are today and aid us in setting Micro and Macro goals for the rest of the year. Each day we are being tested in a different area and the first two WOD's of the year were the following:

CrossFit Westchester WOD: (Monday Jan 2)
“CrossFit Total”
1RM Back Squat
1RM Shoulder Press
1RM Deadlift
*You will have 3 attempts to find your 1RM for each movement*

This is the first time both the wife and I have ever tried to reach our RM for each of the movements posted above. Our scores were as follow:

Omar -
Back Squat - 225lbs
Shoulder Press - 115lbs
Deadlift - 275lbs

Wife -

Back Squat - 135lbs
Shoulder Press - 65lbs
Deadlift - 180lbs

We are both really proud of our scores and hopefully now we will have a way to gauge our success.

The second WOD of the year was:

CrossFit Westchester WOD: (Tuesday Jan 3)
Lactate Day
500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups
rest 5 minutes x 3
*All 3 rounds are to be done at 100%*

Now, some of you might remember that when we were first introduced into CrossFit we were asked to perform the same WOD to gauge our "Fitness" level. Our previous times were 8:30 for me and 6:15 for the wife. Our times from last night are as follow:

Omar -
Round 1 - 6:58
Round 2 - 7:55
Round 3 - 7:57

Wife -

Round 1 - 6:12
Round 2 - 6:23
Round 3 - 6:37

As you can see my improvement in a month's time is almost that of 2 minutes. I was really proud of my times although I have to tell you, I was BEAT after the three rounds. That feeling I got the first time I did this WOD came back last night and I felt sick, I wanted to throw up and felt dizzy. After a few minutes I was able to recover. ALSO, keep in mind that prior to the WOD we always warm-up and yesterday's warm-up included 100 jumping jacks or more (didn't really count), Burpees (15), air squats, lunges and more.

Overall we both are really confident with the progress we have made thus far and can't wait to continue down this long and difficult path. Until next time, this is OC signing out!