Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1-17-12 - KB Swings & Box Jumps

This WOD was a really deceiving one. In paper, it looks "easy" or "Simple" but it really wasn't:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
25 KB Swings (53/35)
25 Box Jumps (24/20)

I enjoy KB swings and I believe I have a pretty form and same thing for the Box jumps, I like them I think they are fun, however, when you are doing AMRAP for 15 minutes it gets to a point where you start HATING them LOL.

I did not do the RX weight (mostly because I just don't think I can do AMRAP with that weight) but I did try using the 24" box. I was able to do my first set at that height but I decided to switch to a 20" for safety reasons.  Every time I landed on the 24" I felt like I was gong to fall and bust my ass.

The wife has some knee problems so really can't jump the 20", instead she went with 4 45lbs plates and stacked them together. Oddly enough she was able to use the same KB weight I was using which was 28lbs I believe.

Our times were 4 sets plus 10 for me and 4 sets plus 20 for her. I have to tell you that this WOD was a really tough one and it made us REALLY break a sweat. These are the types of WOD's that really motivate me and keep me interested in CF.

My shoulders are killing me today but at least I was able to get a good night sleep. Resting and eating well is definetely a crucial component to CF, without both you are really not going to see any results and pretty much you are just going to waste your time.

Yesterday I was reading the CF boards and someone had used this quote:

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

I think that pretty much sums up my last few years in attempting to loose weight and stay "Healthy"

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