Thursday, January 5, 2012

1-4-12 - Speed Test

So I am thinking about changing the way I title my Blogs. I am going to try and keep up with the following format: ((Date of WOD - Type of WOD or overall activity performed during the WOD).

Yesterday's WOD was the following:

Speed Test:
Run 1 mile
Rest 5 minutes
Row 1000m
Rest 5 minutes
Run 500m

Now, I have never been a runner. Even prior to joining CrossFit I always SUCKED at running. Every time I tried jumping on a treadmill my legs would hurt, my shins would hurt and I would just stop after 10 minutes. So you can imagine what went through my head when I saw the WOD. On TOP of that, the weather report called for temperatures in the high 10's or low 20's (F). I really thought about not going to class but decided to get myself pumped and started watching the highlights from the 2011 Games and ended up going.

Here are our times:

Omar - 
8:50 Run 1 mile
3:54 Row 1000m
2:25 Run 500m

Wife - 
8:50 Run 1 mile
4:29 Row 1000m
2:32 Run 500m

You will notice that my wife's times and mine are very close to each other, actually the same on the 1 mile run and that is because she HATES the cold and was having a real hard time running last night. So I decided to stay with her and cheer her on and push her when she couldn't handle it anymore.

I am really proud of my times and can tell with certainty that if I would have tried doing that a month ago I wouldn't have been able to finish. I am glad Chris has pushed me and I am glad we joined CrossFit Westchester. Until tomorrow, have a good night!! 

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