Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The last few workouts...

So let me start by saying Happy Holidays! I know I have been absent for the last couple of days but once again I forget to come in here and write about the WOD or how I am feeling.

I think the last time I wrote was Wednesday of last week. The wife and I went to CrossFit on Thursday Dec 22nd and the WOD was:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
“GI Jane”
For time:
100 burpee-pull-ups

We modified the pull-ups by using weight plates to help us reach the bar. I finished in 21:00 minutes and the wife in 16:37. As always I am the last one to finish the WOD. The only thing that I really remember about this WOD is that in the last pull-up my right calf cramped up and I had to finish the pull-up regardless. Also that night, Chris told me that I was going to be his "target" and that from that night on he was going to push me a little bit harder.

We rested for 4 days and ate extremely bad (Holiday food). We went back to class on Tuesday and the WOD was:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
‎10 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
*20 minute time cap*

This workout was BRUTAL!!! I have to say that any workout that has to do with upper body strength is really difficult for me. I guess it's my body weight being so high or I don't know what else. I finished in 19:30 and the wife finished in 16:50. Once again, I was the last one to finish.

This morning I woke up really sore and my arms were really tight. I could barely move them and even still I am in some pain.

Then finally today's WOD was:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:
Front Squats (155/105)
Ring Dips
Run 500m

I felt pretty good during this WOD today. Although I used 55lbs instead of the RX but I felt confident and good with the overall WOD. The one item that really killed my time was the run. I have never been a runner, actually prior to Crossfit every time I tried running my shins would hurt me really bad but now with my new Inov-8 shoes running is "easier". Today I went alone since the wife was not feeling well and was able to finish in 21:10. AS ALWAYS I was the last one to finish.

I know I am just starting and that I will eventually get stronger, faster and such but being the last one in each WOD is not really sitting well with me. I am going to try and push harder everyday. I think my immediate goal is to try and not be the last one to finish.

One last note, Yesterday I started my own 100 day burpee challenge. Every day I have to do the number of burpees that match that day. For example, day 1, 1 burpee, day 2, 2 burpees and so on. Hopefully this way I can get better and faster at doing burpees during the regular WOD's.

I know this is allot to read but I wanted to get it all into one. I know I have said this before but I feel really confident that we made the right decision by joining CF. I can already see some changes in my body and this is only the half way point of the 3rd week. Can't wait to see how I look 6 months from now.

Until tomorrow...good night! OC Signing off!

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