Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Steve O"

So as I was expecting, last night's workout was pretty brutal. We did "Steve O" as our WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:

“Steve O”
For time:
54 pushups
108 kb snatches (53/35) TOTAL
108 kb swings (53/35)
108 wall ball shots (20/14)
54 pushups

Now, very early in the WOD it became apparent to me that one of my biggest weakness are Pushups. The WOD was modified by Chris and instead of doing 108 of the KB exercises and WBS we were told to do 80 of each, however we were still going to do the 54 pushups at the beginning and at the end.

I was able to go full speed for the first 20 pushups but after that everything extremely slowed down. I really need to start working on strengthening my upper body so that I don't have to modify my puhups and continue on. After I was finished with the first set of pushups I move on to the KB snatches. Last night was the first time I had ever done a KB snatch in my whole life and let me tell you, those things are pretty hard. The back of my hand around my wrist is killing me today (along with some nice bruises). I warmed up with a 30lb KB but realized it was WAY to heavy for me so I scaled down to 18. The KB swings I actually really enjoyed but then came the WBS. I have no problem doing them it just takes good coordination and timing to get them done the right way.

Finally got to the last set of Pushups and Chris decided to cut them down in half (he was watching me the whole time and was really on my ass all night. I actually like that, and is ONE of the many reasons why I choose to work at his gym. He is a dedicated trainer but more important he truly wants to help his clients.) He told me to do 27 since he had seen how I struggled with my first set. I was able to finish in 25:19 and my wife @ 19:35. She was using the 10lb KB.

Overall the workout was a real challenge for me. I felt exhausted when I was done but more importantly I felt proud that I never gave up and that my wife and the others were cheering me on to finish.

I feel confident that we made the right decision joining CrossFit Westchester. All the trainers are excellent and the members are really supportive. I would recommend CFW to anyone who is interested in CrossFit and lives around the White Plains, NY area!

Today is our rest day. It's probably going to be more of an active rest day since we have our last minute Christmas shopping to do, so we might be walking for a while. Until tomorrow, this is OC signing out!

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