Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Second Week & Diet

Last week I promised I would post our diet and completely forgot, so here it is:

You will notice that for our WOD days we eat more and when we rest we eat less. Now, we try to follow the diet as we have it written but sometimes we move things around. We stick to the same types of meats, vegetables and fruits. Also you will notice that before/after the WOD we have Endura (BWO) and Dynamic Greens (AWO). Endura helps you replenish your electrolites and DG is a drink that gives you over 20+ servings of fruits and vegetables, we usually have that instead of water with our dinner.

We are also taking some Multivitamins (Wellness Essentials for Men & Women from Metagenics), Vitamin D3: 2000 IU/day and UltraFlora IB/DF: 1/day. This diet is different from the Paleo diet in which it includes Dairy but it is similar as it is almost gluten free. Also, the diet is based on the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes low-glycemic index foods,quality vegetables plus fruits and low-fat proteins with essential fatty-acids.

Now, let's get to yesterday's WOD and the beginning of Week 2!!!

Let me start by saying that I HATE BURPEES!!! Why are they used so much in Crossfit? Is it so that we get used to the "suck"? or are they just trying to torture us? I have asked a couple of the members @ the box and the majority agree that Burpees SUCK!! Actually, over on the CrossFit boards I saw a post from a member saying that they use Burpees almost as punishment. Every time they think of eating something they shouldn't they count how many burpees it wold take to burn those calories off.

With that being said, here is yesterday's WOD:

CrossFit Westchester WOD:

3 snatch (95/65)
6 overhead squat (95/65)
9 burpees
Rest 3 minutes x 4

As we are just starting we modified the weight to 45 for me and 18 for my wife. I was able to do 113 and my wife 153. You basically count each rep as one and you add them at the end of the WO. This was a challenging WOD for me because of the burpees. I was able to do my Snatches and OHD at a good pace but when it came time for the Burpees I would spend WAY too much time doing them. Does anybody have any tips?

Today's workout is going to be a tough one...I can feel it. Until then, OC signing off!

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