Thursday, December 8, 2011

The beginning...CrossFit

Yesterday I mentioned that today was going to be our first training session and indeed it was.

Today we joined and started at Westchester CrossFit in White Plains, New York. A couple of weeks back Dr. Silverman asked us if we wanted to take a look at the way his friend Chris was training and it so happens that Chris is the owner of box.

Chris after showing the Doc and us how to properly row, asked us if we want to do a basic fit test. We agreed and proceeded to do the following: 500 meter row, 40 Air Squats, 30 push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 10 pull-ups. I managed to get everything done in under 8:30 minutes, my wife was able to finish in 6:15 (kuddos for her). After that basic session we were both hooked.

So for the last couple of days I have been speaking with Chris and decided that today was going to be our first day. We arrived @ 7:00 PM and started a few minutes after that. He asked us some basic questions first as he wanted to know what our goal was for CrossFit. Then we started doing the good stuff. We warmed up with some jumping jacks, push ups, air squats and some mountain climbs? I can't remember the name.

After our heart rates were up and beating fast we dove into our first three basic exercises of the night. The air squat, the shoulder press and the dead lift. We did 3 sets of 10 reps each to try and learn the correct technique, body posture and for him to gauge what our abilities are.

After learning our three techniques, we moved into the workout of the night. We did a half Tabata. 8 intervals of air squats with 10 seconds rest in between each interval, a 2 minutes rest and then 8 intervals of kettlebell swings with 10 seconds in between intervals.

For our first workout I think we did pretty good. I really didn't count how many reps I did in each interval but I know that by the end I was struggling for air. The wife and I had a great time tonight and we are really excited about continuing and getting more involved with CrossFit.

We have our second introductory class tomorrow, so until then have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I have just done my first intro class too.
    Keep at it and good luck!!

